Gochisōsan O.S.T. 1

Yoko Kanno wrote the soundtrack of a new drama entitled Gochisōsan.

On September 30, 2013 started a new drama entitled 「ごちそうさん」(Gochisōsan) which is made from the Japanese expression people say after a good meal ごちそうさま (Gochisōsama).


A small comment from Yoko Kanno can be found on the Gochisōsan official website:

When I thought of Gochisōsan as 3 beats (gochi, so, san), I wanted to write a yummy music.
With the most appetizing music performers from Vienna, we tried to express sweet scents and thought every morning which music would be good for the stomach.
I would be happy if this music could just a little go with the will of living of the people.

Yoko Kanno was in charge of the music under the label Grand Funk. A very long soundtrack was released on December 4, 2013. It contains 28 tracks and lasts 71 minutes!

It is available both on iTunes and on CD format.

Gochisosan OST


01. フェルメント前奏曲
02. ゴチソウノォト
03. 少女倶楽部
04. でんしんばしらのやうな
05. モスリンマアチ
06. 走レ乙女
07. イシンデンシン?
08. オムレットワルツ
09. 閑雅な食慾
10. クロケット ベシャメルソース
12. 朝五ツ
13. 鴨のファンファアレ
14. ルリハ
15. スノピカ
16. 志ル古な憂鬱
17. 拝啓グルタミンさん
18. きなヒトデ
19. キネマ モザイク
20. オルゴオルの死
21. イル デカダン
23. 感傷的活動写真
24. 殿方につきまして
25. 貴方ヲ送ル
26. イチゴイチエ
27. 焼氷有りマスの唄
vocals: Mitsuki Takahata
28. 帝大生とハイカラリボン

All the musics are orchestral pieces, very drama-like, but some of them are quite beautiful. I really like the intro of 感傷的活動写真 (kanshōteki katsudō shashin) [trans: sentimental moving pictures]) and the track 貴方ヲ送ル (anata wo okuru [trans: let me walk you home]).


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