The song von, which can be seen as the central track of the first O.S.T., was used in this episode which by the way received highly rated comments from viewers!von was inserted during more than 5 minutes in a really moving scene, and the other BGM tracks of this episode are all tracks I hope … Continue Reading ››
A few new pieces of music were inserted in this breathtaking episode!
And still no trace of most of the first OST tracks such as von, ess, hanna, 22, lev low, ili lolol or bless...
But that's not unusual for Yoko Kanno's projects and these pieces of music may … Continue Reading ››
A song was finally used in the episode 4 of Terror in Resonance, while the number of unreleased keeps on increasing, obviously.
The song used in the episode 4 is ís.
Since there will be only 11 episodes, what do you … Continue Reading ››