Honda “I’m doing it because it’s fun (pushing forward)”

Yoko Kanno wrote a song for a Honda commercial. The song lasts 1:11 and the singer is LEO imai. It was written for a campaign commercial that started in February 2013. The 1 minute movie is entitled「面白いから、やる(突き進む)」("I'm doing it because it's fun (pushing forward)"). The full music is available on the Piano Inc. sounds page.

Shiseido Ag+ “A dance for every worker”

Yoko Kanno wrote a commercial music for Shiseido's Ag+ products. The song is only 16 seconds short. The campaign started around May 9, 2013 and is entitled「すべての働く人々へダンス」("A dance for every worker"). The full music is available on the Piano Inc. sounds page.

For the fans, by the fans